PT. Ganesha Abaditama just had Welcoming 5 students from SMK SMTI – Bandar Lampung, and will carry out internships at PT. Ganesha Abaditama.
There are 5 students who already divided into 5 different divisions. So each students get 1 division where they can learn, study, and watch how PT. Ganesha Abaditama operates.
The internship/PRAKERIN (Industrial Work Practice) will last for approximately 6 months.
Hopefully, by having the oppportunity to do Internship in PT. Ganesha Abaditama, these students can gain experience, lessons, and can also pave the way for new ideas in the future industries.
Read Also: Empowering The Future

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JL. Buni No.24, RT 004/RW 008, Kel. Munjul,
Kec.Cipayung, Jakarta Timur
DKI Jakarta 13850
Phone : +62 21 8452386
Phone : +62 21 22988170

JL. Batu Tumbuh No.59/59A, RT.004/ RW.008,
Kel. Jatiraden, Jatisampurna
Kota Bekasi 17433
Phone : +62 21 84343415